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  • Writer's pictureTyler Haley

Beer science at Adventure Science Center

A couple of weeks ago, my girlfriend and I took a tour of Nashville's Adventure Science Center, courtesy of their Science of Beer exhibition! Our bracelets got us each a branded pint glass and unlimited samples of products from over 20 breweries in the surrounding area. ASC hosts quarterly "adults only" events, meaning the events involve alcohol in some way or another. This night was a fun excuse to break the habit of staying home, something I'd admittedly been doing a lot.

Walking around the Adventure Science Center with beer samples in our pint glasses, we got to watch a Live Science demonstration involving chemicals that turn fire different exotic colors, an inertia demonstration with a tire on an axle suspended by a rope, and we got to learn a little bit more about the Milky Way galaxy through their planetary exhibits. There was a cool exhibit where we put on these "drunk goggles" that simulated various stages of intoxication. We then had to play Stack Cups, and we even simulated driving drunk by navigating a simple cone course by sitting on a scooter board and holding a steering wheel! **Note from DLR: if you ever get the opportunity to put on one of those "drunk goggles" at an exhibit, do it! You'll be shocked at how badly your perception skews once you start drinking, and DLR wants no part in you getting in an alcohol related accident, while driving or otherwise!**

We walked around some more and met Will from Riverbend Malt House, an Asheville NC

malt house - essentially a brewery that sources various grains for production and prepares them for brewing operations. He presented a wide variety of flavor profiles of grains by simply steeping them in hot water and sampling them on us so we could explore the different aromas and tastes that each grain gives to a brew. We learned how various malt varietals produce vastly different flavor profiles in beer, and how time, temperature, yeast, and methodology all work together to create complex brews. Check out their process at We could tell that Will enjoyed talking with a couple who were legitimately interested in the process of brewing, not just those who nod their heads and walk away in search of the next sample of alcohol!

Will made sure we took a few samples of grain home with us, maybe I'll try them in a home brewing experiment at some point in the future??

After the malt exhibit, we walked around and continued to meet staff members and try local beers. One of our favorite folks we got to chat with was also coincidentally named Will, from Harding House Brewing Company. We walked up to his booth at the very end of the event, and we all ended up chatting and making each other laugh, which was a nice way to cap off the night. My favorite beer of theirs is called Church Parking Lot, an easy drinking crisp and light lager that pays homage to our first-time-drinking stories. We all have one, there's no need to be ashamed of it!! (Well, maybe there is. But that's on you.)

The evening was fun and lighthearted overall. It was a great chance to enjoy our time together and leave life's stresses at home for the evening. We got to shoot the breeze and meet some cool people, sample various lagers and IPAs from all over the south-central region, and we even snuck into the VIP section to snack on a chicken wing or two 🤫 Don't tell the science cops! 🚨

Please check out Nashville's Adventure Science Center website at, as they frequently host a variety of events for the kids and grown-ups alike, such as themed laser light shows, workshops for the kids, and of course beer exhibitions! Let me know if you've attended the beer event before by commenting on this post. Check in soon for the next blog article! Cheers 🥂

Below: having fun at the ASC!

Below: Will from the Riverbend Malt House showing us all about malts.

Below: Will from Harding House Brewery giving us his Church Parking Lot story...

Below: Science is rad ☠

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